Introducing accounts
Accounts and log in now available
We're excited to announce the launch of accounts. Register today. You'll need your Geezing Licence and a smooth pint.
Some of you might be wondering about the mobile app. Well, as pictured above, it turns out old geezers don't know how to use touch screens, so we're moving development to the website. This also allows our geezers to access the platform from any device.
For now you can't do much apart from geeze over to your profile, but there are some exiciting features on the horizon:
Virtual licence
You'll be able to view a virtual version of your licence which you can use to enter any establishment that would usually require a physical licence. This will be especially useful for when you're geezing on the go and have forgotten your licence or don't want to take it out with you and risk damaging it.
"Geeze Reel"
Soon, you will be able to participate in a social feed of all geezery activity partaken by fellow geezers. Post a picture of a good pint, or shame those who order a half. We're calling this feature Geeze Reel (patented, trademarked, and copyrighted by the NGA).
And more...!
It's a little too early to reveal everything, but we're geezing away on some exciting new features that will make your geezing experience even geezier.
Stay geezy.